Hire KC Launches Its Annual Micro-internship Program 

The 2024/25 Hire KC program is now open! Thanks to another grant provided by Bank of America Charitable Trust, we are able to continue our journey towards making a tangible difference in building capacity at nonprofits, and in the lives of local students. Hire KC is a fully funded capacity-building college internship program for our esteemed nonprofit partners and Solutions Lab Ventures Fellows!

At KC Digital Drive, we have always believed in the power of partnership and collaboration, and investing in the next generation of leaders. The Hire KC program not only benefits nonprofit organizations and startups but also empowers students and delivers valuable real-world experiences while making a positive impact in our community.

Here’s what this program entails:

  • Building Relationships: One of the most valuable aspects of this program is the relationships that are formed between interns, nonprofits, and our organization. Through collaboration and shared experiences, we create a network of support and solidarity that strengthens the fabric of our community.
  • Empowering Nonprofits: By partnering with local nonprofits, we aim to strengthen the capacity of these organizations to fulfill their missions effectively. Through the support of interns, nonprofits will be able to expand their reach, enhance their programs, and better serve the needs of our community. It’s a win-win situation where everyone benefits!
  • Fostering Innovation: We believe that fresh perspectives and innovative ideas are essential for driving positive change. Our college interns bring new energy and creativity to the table, challenging us to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. Together, we can find innovative solutions to the complex challenges facing our community.
  • Capacity Building: Our college internships are not just about fetching coffee or making copies; they’re about providing meaningful opportunities for students to develop essential skills that will serve them well in their future careers. Through hands-on experience, mentorship, and training, interns will learn how nonprofits operate and contribute to meaningful projects that align with their interests and career goals.

We are incredibly grateful to our donors and supporters whose generosity has made this program possible. Their belief in our mission and commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders inspires us and delivers greater outcomes.

KC Digital Drive is working with ParkerDewey to facilitate the projects posted by nonprofits and startups. If you are a nonprofit in need of extra support, we encourage you to reach out and learn more about this college internship program.

What you can do right now: 

Together, we can go farther and faster with greater success for all. 

Further Reading

The Need for Refurbished Devices is Ever-present in Midtown KC

The Digital Support Services Center at the LAMP Campus on Linwood Blvd. has been a tech hub for computer skills classes, workspaces, and device lending, and there has been a recent development to this space. PCs for People will be returning to the LAMP Campus as a pop-up location on Mondays and Fridays from 10am-3pm.

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Let’s Bridge the Gap between Healthcare and the Digital Divide (Simulation)

This marks another Digital Divide Simulation event in collaboration with Vibrant Health to increase awareness for the socioeconomic setbacks faced by Kansas Citians living on the wrong side of the Digital Divide. Participants engaged in meaningful conversations around bridging the gap between being digitally disconnected and accessing healthcare and other services. The need for connecting clients expands beyond providing devices and dives deeper into how to communicate, build trust, and meet people where they are.

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Empowering Older Adults: A Partner Spotlight on AARP’s SCSEP Program

In a world increasingly reliant on digital technologies, access to digital literacy and employment opportunities is crucial for people of all ages. Yet, older adults, often overlooked in discussions about technology, face unique challenges in navigating this digital landscape. Recognizing this disparity, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) has been actively working to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that older Americans have access to opportunities to earn new digital skills and valuable work experience.

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