In order to help guide digital transformation efforts across the metro, KC Digital Drive has developed a landscape analysis of the current digital inclusion funding ecosystem in Kansas City. This analysis is meant to provide funders and community organizations with a clear picture of the digital inclusion needs and funding apparatus in our community by highlighting the kinds of digital inclusion programming that are currently funded, and where there are gaps at a program and system level within the ecosystem.

The goal of this analysis is to help inform the upcoming re-launch of Kansas City’s Digital Inclusion Fund, as well as to support funders and digital inclusion practitioners in developing a strategy to take advantage of upcoming state and federal funding opportunities to build digital inclusion programming and capacity in the city.

The white paper is structured according to a five-point framework that KC Digital Drive has developed to help contextualize the the full diversity of barriers that contribute to the digital divide in Kansas City:

  1. Network Capacity
  2. Access to the Network
  3. Quality of Network Access
  4. Participation in Digital Life
  5. Excellence, Innovation, and Growth

For each of these dimensions, we explore the existing capacity of Kansas City’s digital inclusion ecosystem, the gaps we have identified that will require new initiatives to address, and the systemic issues that serve as barriers or opportunities for progress.


Read the white paper here.

Further Reading

Welcome Wellness Center: Bridging Health and Digital Literacy in Belton

The following is a recap of a presentation by Jeannine Midgett, Executive Director at Welcome Wellness Center, given to the Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion on February 21st, 2025.   Welcome Wellness Health Education and Resource Center began as a CERNER Population Health Initiative in 2011. Located in Belton, Missouri, the center occupies 4,500 […]

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American Connection Corps: Bridging the Digital Divide Through National Service

The following is a recap of a presentation by Iris O’Donnell Bellisario, Program Officer & Digital Equity Specialist and Cadie Bergan, Director of National Recruitment & Selection at the American Connection Corps given to the Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion on January 17th, 2025. The American Connection Corps (ACC) is a national service program […]

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Integrating Arts Into KC’s Regional Innovation Ecosystem

In August 2024, Kansas City became a hub for innovation at the intersection of arts and science during a two-day workshop exploring how creative professionals can enhance critical materials and biologics ecosystems. This event is part of the NSF-funded ICC Project led by UCLA to develop actionable strategies for integrating arts and culture into regional innovation clusters.

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