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Rx Savings Solutions offers alternatives to prohibitive prescription costs
March 1, 2018 by Erin Melton
Based in Overland Park, Kansas, Rx Savings Solutions is an online tool that shows users how to save money on medications. The tool takes information regarding medications users take and finds lower-cost options that treat the same conditions. Savings can come from generic drugs, different pharmacies’ prices, or simply different medications that cost less. Users […]
Nascent Stage Development combines innovative companies to improve the lives of people with autism
March 1, 2018 by Erin Melton
Nascent Stage Development (NSD) was founded by CEO Bob Etzel. It is an education company using landing-edge technologies for knowledge transfer and social skills development. The company’s focus is on the needs of the Autism Community of Interest (ACOI). NSD was founded in 2017 and is a group of four brands with a common goal […]
MARC receives a grant to innovate the delivery of food to the elderly
December 1, 2017 by Erin Melton
An Administration for Community Living grant funded the Innovations in Nutrition project led by the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC), with the Shepherd Center Central as the primary agency. Immediate stakeholders and participants were identified as Covenant Community Food Pantry and Health & Wellness Center. The Innovations in Nutrition project is a statewide effort funded by […]
Multiple projects emerge out of Code for KC 2017 Hackathon
November 20, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
Code for Kansas City wrapped up its annual hackathon in early October at Think Big Partners. The event drew in about 60 people with a variety of different backgrounds to work on civic technology projects. In addition to coders, designers, writers, lawyers, GIS analysts and other experts, government representatives also attended and participated in the […]
Infrastructure for Artificial Intelligence means a higher capacity for data
November 16, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
As a leader in digital innovation, Kansas City regularly explores the idea behind AI. 1 Billion Bits came together to discuss implications of the infrastructure necessary for Artificial Intelligence during their quarterly lecture / panel series on Wednesday, September 27. Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines, which includes learning, reasoning and […]
The Dentist Is In provides a niche solution to the Opiod crisis
November 15, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
Everyone knows that millions of dollars and hundreds of hours are wasted in hospital emergency rooms for minor or major unfixable issues. What a lot of lay people aren’t aware of, though, is that millions of those wasted dollars are specifically on people with dental pain. In addition to hospitals being overburdened by dental patients […]
Schools, Health, Libraries and Broadband Coalition visits the Digital Inclusion Coalition
October 13, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
The Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion met last week for a special presentation from John Windhausen, who represented the Schools, Health, Libraries and Broadband Coalition. As an advocate for broadband service, the SHLB Coalition works closely with the FCC to expand broadband capacity nationwide to better serve cities and communities. Their community-related efforts have […]
Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion holds workgroup session
October 9, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
The Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion met last month for a workgroup session with the four established workgroups: Broadening Participation, Connecting People, Overcoming Barriers and Raising Awareness. Each of the groups is moving toward creating a more robust atmosphere for Digital Inclusion in Kansas City. They continued to work on the community outreach efforts […]
Hire KC Youth Digital Scholars and our Digital Inclusion Work Groups present their findings
September 6, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
Our meeting kicked off this month with two Hire KC Youth Digital Scholars, Noah Yener and Eleanor Nash. The report they’ve worked on for the last 8 weeks of their internship was to identify and evaluate Community Learning Centers, such as Brush Creek Community Center, Marlborough Community Center and Connecting for Good, among others. Their […]
Gigabit Community Fund enters second round of funding
July 12, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
The second round of Gigabit Community Fund projects from Mozilla is happening in participating cities this summer. This round is primarily focused on rewarding cities with workforce development- or education-related projects. Mozilla is also looking to reward cross-city projects, which bring two or more of the gigabit communities together, especially the two newest gigabit cities:Eugene, […]
Areas of Impact
- Gigabit Applications (68)
- Digital Inclusion (210)
- Economic Development (71)
- Government (72)
- Healthcare (161)
- Education (50)
- Civic Tech (118)
- Transportation (16)
- Smart Cities (20)
- Legal (7)
- Broadband (28)
- Journalism (26)
- Environment (4)
- Startups (25)