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Startland News, the National Society of Black Engineers and the National Coalition for Digital Inclusion present to the KC CDI this month
March 17, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
This month, the Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion meeting included special presentations from the National Digital Inclusion Alliance’s Angela Siefer via skype, William Wells of the National Society of Black Engineers and Adam Arredondo of Startland News. Angela Siefer spoke to the Coalition about the Net Inclusion Summit that will be held May […]
Charlotte, NC follows in Kansas City’s digital inclusion footsteps
March 10, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
One of Kansas City’s digital leader sisters is none other than Charlotte, North Carolina. Friday, Feb 3. the Kansas City Coalition for Digital Inclusion talked with Charlotte’s Digital Inclusion Project Manager at the Knight School of Communications, Bruce Clark. Bruce Clark credits Kansas City’s efforts as Charlotte’s inspiration and says they often have looked in […]

City leaders call on Congress, President Trump to include broadband in infrastructure Plans
March 1, 2017 by Katherine Hambrick
Today, Mayor James and Mayor Holland of the respective Kansas Cities joined over 60 other other mayors and city representatives in penning a letter to the new President, Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader urging the federal government to keep digital inclusion in any future infrastructure plans. Improvement of infrastructure was at […]
WebNotes: Perspectives from the field on refurbished devices
January 25, 2017 by Aaron Deacon
After eight years leading the Kansas City-area computer and electronics recycling organization Surplus Exchange, Bob Akers recently accepted the position of Enterprise Director with e-Stewards. E-Stewards offers sustainability certification for electronics recyclers, and in his new role, Bob will seek to grow the work he began at e-Stewards and help enterprise IT leaders manage their […]
Code for KC: A 2016 Recap
December 26, 2016 by Katy Schamberger
Did 2016 fly by for anyone else? It’s hard to believe that another year has come to a close, but as we reflect back on the last 12 months, we’re thrilled by what Code for KC and KC Digital Drive have accomplished, not to mention the foundation we’ve built to continue our work in 2017. […]
CommunityKC 2.0: How the Mapping Tool Has Evolved and What’s Next
December 26, 2016 by Katy Schamberger
Anyone who’s worked on a digital project like a website or an app knows it’s very much a work in progress. There’s the initial launch, of course, which is typically followed by a never-ending evolution: updates that introduce new or improved functionality, design changes and other enhancements. Since CommunityKC launched at the third annual Community […]
Technology-enhanced Aging in Place homes now open in Lawrence
November 22, 2016 by Katy Schamberger
The numbers tell a compelling—even overwhelming—tale. Currently, the number of people worldwide 65 years and older is estimated at 506 million, according to information shared by Greg Corpier, principal/vice president of technology solutions and strategy, Telecare Global, LLC. This number is expected to surge to 1.3 billion by 2040. And within just one decade, there […]
Addiction treatment organization finds success with online program
October 27, 2016 by Katy Schamberger
Norton, Kan.-based Valley Hope Association has had measurable success with an online substance abuse treatment and therapy program that launched in 2007.
Valley Hope Association AC/ESS program allows treatment options for patients suffering from addiction without access to traditional care
September 29, 2016 by Erin Melton
Founded in 1967 in Norton, Kansas, Valley Hope operates 16 treatment centers in seven states across the Midwest and has helped thousands of people find recovery from addiction to alcohol or drugs. Valley Hope’s Tele-Behavioral Health Program has almost 200 patients currently treated online and has serviced thousands of others since its creation in 2007. […]
We’re hiring!
July 8, 2016 by Aaron Deacon
Through the AmeriCorps VISTA program, and with the generous support of our friends at Literacy KC, we’re looking to hire a Project Coordinator. This is a one-year position working out of our downtown office on all sorts of exciting projects at the intersection of technology and community impact. Click on the links below to learn […]
Areas of Impact
- Gigabit Applications (68)
- Digital Inclusion (210)
- Economic Development (71)
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