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Gigabit City Summit: Watch the Pre- and Post-Conference Webinars
February 11, 2015 by Jason Harper
Our webinars held in the weeks before and after the conference give ideas for organizing your community to take on the challenge of a citywide fiber buildout.

Community Projects in KC: There’s A Map for That
February 4, 2015 by Jason Harper
In the face-to-face world of community organizing, it can be a challenge to keep in regular contact with neighborhoods around your city. If your neighborhood association wanted to raise a community garden but had no experience in navigating permitting and licensing issues with the city — much less when to plant spinach versus strawberries — […]

What to do with all that bandwidth? Look to our schools.
January 30, 2015 by Jason Harper
When Google Fiber came to town, many wondered what we would do with all that bandwidth. Now, for schools, it’s becoming a case of what will we do without it?

Kansas City Council Civic Tech Forum and Showcase Is Feb. 23 at Union Station
January 27, 2015 by Jason Harper
Kansas City is becoming a technology hub. But what do the current candidates running for City Council think of all this tech. Join KCDD and the Code for America Brigade on Feb. 23 at Union Station for the chance to engage city leaders and learn about interesting apps that make local government work better.

Hackathon-Born Telehealth Company Talk2Me Enters the Startup Scene
January 23, 2015 by Jason Harper
Mark Nolte got the start to his new telehealth app from a KC Digital Drive hackathon. Now he’s looking for a spark to launch it to the wider world.

Gigabit City Summit In the News
January 22, 2015 by Jason Harper
Catch up on media mentions of the Gigabit City Summit.

Gigabit City Summit: Takeaways from the Main Conference Sessions + Links to Decks
January 22, 2015 by Jason Harper
Day One: Tuesday, Jan. 13 Mayor Sly James and Mayor Mark Holland: Both agreed upon the necessity of broadband access at improving the quality of life of people in the new economy. To many in the audience, this went without saying, but many families — and many small businesses (small business access was a recurring […]

The Kansas City Story at the Gigabit City Summit
January 22, 2015 by Bridget Koan
Kansas City has energy when it comes to technology. Delegates at the Gigabit City Summit in January 2015 got insight into Kansas City’s gigabit success.

Catalyzing Education at the Gigabit City Summit
January 20, 2015 by KC Digital Drive
This post originally appeared on the Mozilla Gigabit Community Fund blog. The Gigabit City Summit was an experience, both social and technical, that laid out Kansas City’s bi-state Playbook for all to see, poke at, learn from and, when it’s all said and done – take back to their blooming broadband communities. It didn’t hurt […]

Photo Gallery: The 2015 Gigabit City Summit – North America
January 20, 2015 by Jason Harper
Context: From January 13 through 15 in Kansas City, Missouri, more than 200 delegates from 49 cities gathered to discuss how technology can improve city living. The Gigabit City Summit was organized by KC Digital Drive.
Areas of Impact
- Gigabit Applications (68)
- Digital Inclusion (210)
- Economic Development (71)
- Government (72)
- Healthcare (161)
- Education (50)
- Civic Tech (118)
- Transportation (16)
- Smart Cities (20)
- Legal (7)
- Broadband (28)
- Journalism (26)
- Environment (4)
- Startups (25)