Children’s Mercy + Sightdeck
A new frontier in telemedicine.
A national leader in telehealth/telemedicine Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City is the only hospital in the country to feature the fully immersive telepresence tool SightDeck. Using green-screen technology, SightDeck is able to combine 2D, 3D and HD video to layer graphics and video for presentations and videoconferences.
CMH is currently using SightDeck to increase telehealth outreach to patients in rural communities, providing families with limited clinical access the ability to consult with the hospital’s network of specialists. The tool also facilitates for real-time collaboration between physicians over distance, along with many other communications applications.
Watch a video demo from the US Ignite conference:
Our Team

Morgan Waller
Director of Telemedicine Professional Services at Children’s Mercy

Children's Mercy