Hive KC Learning Network
Mozilla’s Hive Kansas City is a high-tech, city-wide approach to digital and web literacy programs for educators, schools & nonprofits.
aSTEAM Village
The aSTEAM Village incorporates immersive learning in STEAM areas (science, tech, engineering, arts, math) for students while simultaneously providing parents opportunities for personal growth.
Gigabit Community Fund
Provides grants and resources to education-oriented developers creating next-generation apps that benefit the community.
Acre Designs
Acre is building the home of the future – reinventing the American home to be efficient, affordable and smart. We create a new framework for how homes are designed and built, delivering better solutions for the next generation.
Free Network Foundation
A KC-originated global nonprofit enabling user communities to build and maintain their own networks.
Digital Sandbox
Digital Sandbox is a proof-of-concept lab for technology startups seeking funding and that plan to stay in the Kansas City area.
1 Billion Bits
1 Billion Bits is a monthly gathering of developers, engineers and other gigabit-obsessed technologists interested in the question “what can we do with this much bandwidth?”
Gigabit City Summit
What began as a series of telepresence roundtables evolved into a national conference. The Gigabit City Summit 2015 is in Kansas City, January 12-15.
America’s Creative Crossroads
America’s Creative Crossroads is a national positioning campaign to elevate the KC region in the minds of potential visitors, residents, and businesses.